


                  ISLAM HAS TWO MAIN STEPS

                              1-    QURAN

                             2 -   SUNNAH

     1- QURAN

           Quran is  best book of Allah 

This is come into Allah 
Allah tabrak watala said to Our Prophet Muhammad (PB UH)in the (GHAR-E-HIRA) by Farishta Jibraeel  (AS) 
The Jibraeel (AS) said to MUHAMMAD( PBUH )in the Ghar-e-hira 
oh Muhammad (PBUH)
Read?  the name of  ALLAH who created .Created man from a clot .Read :And your Lord is the Most BOUNTEOUS .
He who taught(the use of)the Pen ,Taught man that which he knew not .Ney, but man does transgress all nounds,In that he looketh upon himself as self-sufficient 

                WHATS MEAN OF IQRA

The fist Revelation to Rasoolull Allahsa SAW enjoins him to" Read "(IQRA).The Arabic term Iqra means "read"or"proclaim " in this case ,the term refers specifically to reading of Quran , which may be literally translated as "readings "or"proclamations ."By extension ,the term Iqra also refers to the general reading of knowledge .


                                                               بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
إنا انزلناه في ليلة القدر  - وما أدراك ما ليلة القدر  - ليلة القدر خير من ألف شهر -  تنزل الملائكة والروح فيهابا ذن ربهم من كل امر - سلم هي حتى مطلع الفجر  


             in the name of Allah,the beneficent ,the merciful 
1-     Lo!We revealed it on the Night of power 

2 -   Ah,what will convey unto you what the Night of power is!
3-   The Night of power is better than a thousand months.
4-    The angels and the spirit descend  therein by permission of their Lord ,With all decrees.
5-    ((That Night is )peace until the rising of the dawan


Lailat-ul -Qadar is the Night of power ,the night in which the Quran was revealed.The Arabic term Quran has two meanings:power and greatness ,and decision making This night contains special blessing and greatness because it was the night during which the Quran was revealed to Rasoolullah (SAW) on this night ,Allah (SWT )makes decisions about the coming year :and Jibraeel (AS )and other Angels carry there decision to world on this night

It is night of special blessings.It contains more blessings than can be found in one thousand months 
Any good deed ,fasting (during the day)and prayers ,are better than if these same actions are performed for one thousand months".
The Angels descend during this Blessed Night with special orders from Allah (SWT).This is a NIGHT of peace until dawn arrives 

                          2 -  SUNNAH